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Versions and bug report

Added/modified functionality in WSformat 0.99k:

In the settings notebook, there is a new setting "preview in separate thread". Windows Vista does not tolerate running preview in an own thead, while all other operating systems work better when having an own thread.

0.99i and 0.99j were not published.

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.99k:

and other minor bugfixes.

Added/modified functionality in WSformat 0.99h:

WSformat 0.99g and f have not been published.

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.99h:

Added functionality in WSformat 0.99 e:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.99 e:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.99 d:

0.99c has not been published. 0.99d has no additional functionality.

Added/modified functionality in WSformat 0.99b:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.99 b:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.99 a:

Added/modified functionality in WSformat 0.99:

Added/modified functionality in WSformat 0.98:

Added/modified functionality in WSformat 0.97:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.98a:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.98:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.97:

New in WSformat 0.96

Translation to german language is complete now.

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.96

New functionality in WSformat 0.95:

Fixed Bugs in WSformat 0.95

0.95 fixes also a lot of smaller bugs, not worth to mention.

Fixed Bugs in former versions of WSformat

0.94 fixes also a lot of smaller bugs, not worth to mention.

0.92, 0.93: smaller bugfixes

0.83 fixes also a handful other minor bugs, not worth to mention.

In the late 80's, I published a Wordstar DOS extension program 'StarExtender' in Germany which had hyphenation, footnote, Line drawing, index and proportional printing support. WSformat is based on this program which is very-well tested for a lot of years. This is the reason that the basic format functionality works very well even WSformat is 0.9X beta state software. (It could also be StarExtender 3.9X). But it took one year hard work for publishing WSformat. Because the formatting and printing kernel is optimized for old computers from the late 80's, today WSformat is extremely fast.
